Friday, 9 August, Z CAMP 2019
This week’s theme of ancient Egypt produced a creative fashion show & a large collection of artwork and writing from Z-camp English classes. For our final Z-gypt project, the advanced English groups wrote stories about Stoyan vs the Egyptian Gods, the intermediate classes B1/B2 wrote restaurant reviews and other articles, and the lower groups wrote weather reports and messages in hieroglyphics. The result was “Z-Gypt News” - an informative and creative publication bigger than the Wall Street Journal. All the kids enjoyed looking at the “newspaper” and seeing the amazing pictures that classmates drew and the stories they wrote.
Z-oscars awards
Yesterday we had presentations and final awards. We had awards for “Star Camper,” “Rising Star, “Best Footballer,” Best Windsurfer,” and other awards. The kids also made awards for the staff members, which is always very fun for us. As staff members, we really enjoyed the kids this week. In particular I loved swimming with them in the sea, bodysurfing and throwing the football around. I feel like I got to know everyone a lot better this week and we all got along very well. Those moments of just hanging out and playing games are when we have some of the best times together.
Developing good qualities
Chiara and Piers mentioned that their B2 level classes were among the best they had ever had. All staff remarked that the kids this week showed a lot of respect for one another, personal motivation and initiative, curiosity and excitement for learning. These qualities are what makes teaching so special and rewarding for us!