Saturday, 27 July, Z CAMP 2019
This Saturday marks the day we close the topic of the week, namely The Environment. The morning was enlivened by the camp area clean-up, the children proving yet again that they are increasingly aware of their surroundings and they understand that seemingly small actions truly make a difference. Surely Mother Nature is smiling!
In the land of minigolf
In today's excursion, the Z-campers find themselves in the land of minigolf, Tsarevo. The children's manifest eagerness peaked at the sight of the clubs; they jumped right in. Be it a first-timer or an experienced player, be it a bogey or a birdie, everyone had a wonderful time at the golf course.
Nestinarka beach
One does not simply leave Tsarevo before visiting the Nestinarka beach. Nothing compares to the feeling of hot sand beneath your feet combined with the warm welcome of the Black Sea. Our daily intake of swimming, volleyball, frisbee skimming and seashell collecting has been attained. Most Z-campers already show some bronze!
Wide array of board games available
Once back at the hotel, after a swift shower and a nourishing dinner, the children had a wide array of board games available: chess, backgammon, Jenga, cards, while others travelled to another universe in the role-playing game of Dungeons & Dragons.
Sadly enough, throughout the day, we had to bid some of the campers a fond farewell. Quite a few tears were shed, symbolizing the treasured friendships formed at Z-camp. However, as bedtime approaches, the remaining campers feel the thrill of tomorrow, when a new group of children arrives. For now, lights out! Leka nosht!