Sunday, 4 August, Z CAMP 2019
We had a huge thunderstorm last night, and it rained really hard for about 30 minutes around 6pm. So, today, instead of swimming, our beach time was spent playing volleyball and ultimate frisbee and soaking up the sun.
Welcome new campers
The camp is a bit quieter now, since a lot of campers left yesterday. We were sad to see them go! Everyone was crying. But, now it’s Sunday and we get to welcome some new campers today. And, I’m happy that I’ll get to spend one more week with the campers that I have already started getting to know.
A Relaxing Day
Today we played a mysterious game that I still don’t know the rules to! Only Kane, Ruben and a few other people know. You have to figure out the rules on your own by asking questions before you can join the group that knows the rules. I’m going to keep trying! We also played chess, cards, and did Arts & Crafts. For Arts & Crafts we had two projects: one was painting by blowing paint with straws and the second was making a clay bowl or plate by molding it and adding texture or decorations. Later, after they dry for several hours, we will paint them.
Next Week’s Theme: Egypt
This week’s excursion is to an Egyptian exhibition at a museum in Bourgas, so our English theme will be ancient Egypt. We are going to bring the ancient world into the present and create several projects involving writing newscasts. Then, on Friday, we will present our newscasts and record them. This will be a week-long project and will give everyone time to practice the new vocabulary they are learning. I think projects are a great way to remember English concepts and practice using them right away. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s final presentations this coming week!