Tuesday, 6 August, Z CAMP 2019
Zdravey, it's Michael here again, it's been just over a week since I arrived but so much happens each day that it feels like I've been here for ages! I imagine the children must feel the same, it seems like a really great experience for them.
The 'Z-Egypt' Camp newspaper project
Each of the classes at Z-Camp is doing project work to create a 'Z-Egypt' Camp newspaper, looking at different aspects of ancient Egypt. All the students will be presenting their work on Friday. My class has been investigating the Egyptian gods, looking at the role of Ra, Osiris, Isis and Anubis, what they represent and symbolise and the stories and myths associated with them. The group have produced posters on the gods and also used their creativity to write a newspaper article imagining what it would have been like if the gods had joined Z-Camp! They've produced some great imaginative stories including arm-wrestles and rugby matches between the gods and some of their favourite camp staff! We've even worked on some Egyptian hip-hop!
Team sports at the beach
The afternoon was spent on the beach where we played some British classic team games, egg and spoon relay race, 3 legged race, and a game in which you had to carry the smallest member of the team in a beach towel, take some water in a straw and run back to fill up a water bottle. Quickest team wins. What fun kids had taking part in these unusual games & then cooling off in the sea afterwards.
Walk like an Egyptian
Some Z campers showed off their moves in the dance studio in the evening activity doing a group version of Walk like an Egyptian. Others played the storytelling game Dungeons and Dragons, while there was also a card game in English called Mafia going on in the classrooms.
That's all from Z-Egypt for the moment, happy summering!