Monday, 5 August, Z CAMP 2019
We begun the day with Sports clubs, as our Pro volleyball coach Yani will travel to Burgas during August, so we changed our timetable to fit the programme. We’re flexible like this at Z camp! Tennis players developed controlled stroke play through rallying drills with Mike , before doing some doubles matches.
Footballers showed off their skills in a 5-a side match while surfers hit the beach and Kane led the others in Rugby multisports. What better way to prepare kids for English lessons than get them running about in the sunshine!
Ancient Egypt
We were introduced in the disco to this weeks theme which is Ancient Egypt. Z campers were told that there would be a camp project which is to make a newspaper, Z-gypt News (of course!) , written content done by the kids to be presented at the end of the week. We will visit an exhibition in Bourgas on one of the Egyptian Kings, so this will fit in perfectly with the theme.
Cooking Egyptian balls
It was great to see the older Z campers take to the kitchen where they followed a recipe of Egyptian balls, I wonder what the ancient pharaohs would’ve made of their creations. Z camp staff certainly appreciated them!
Hieroglyphic bookmarks
What better in Arts & crafts than to make Egyptian bookmarks using Hieroglyphics. Kids loved it and as usual produced some original, creative works of art.
Ice breakers
The first day of the week ended with us all together in the Dance studio playing games. Two truths and a lie was popular among campers and staff alike but the real hit of the evening was the Chinese whispers actions game, in which someone at the back thinks of an action, taps the person in front and shows them that action, and that person does the same until everyone has done it. Hilarity ensues as the last person who performs the action is so far away from the original you wonder how we communicate in real life at all!
More than anything we go to bed, knowing that Z camp has created something special, the space to express yourself and be part of an extended family. If you ask me, this is how to make the most of the summer holidays.