Before we tell you about that, did you know that the camp mascot, the Z flamingo, can’t do his job without his yellow hat? We’re still looking for it and we’re really sad we haven’t found it so far.
Some of the kids put themselves in the shoes of writers, musicians and surfers to see if that’s a life they want for themselves. I’m a bit confused about most of them wanting to be surfers as a hobby. Maybe they aren’t sold on this idea of having to get a job as an adult? So many questions today, so few answers. Can you tell everything’s a bit slow at the weekend?
The day continued with a slow sport too, mini golf. There have been rumours about one of the kids getting the mythical score of 36, which makes you an excellent mini golf player, but most of us think it was just that, a rumour. Or maybe we have an extraordinary mini golf player among us? Maybe. I’d put it in the same category as the Loch Ness monster.
By the way, have you ever heard of Dragon’s Den? That’s the tv programme where people searching for funding present their ideas to investors. We had our own version in the form of a presentation. One of the kids noted that there were no real investors, which was funny but we still got to find out about the technological hat which senses your feelings, danger detecting shoes, the odor bomb which was called the custom deco bomb. Teams got points for their presentations. Better than nothing.
Also, did you know we will have a talent show next week? The kids were given a chance to practice and work on their part for the show and what surprised us most was that the dancing workshop was taught by a student because well, she’s that of an awesome dancer.
Do you mind if we ask you to look around, just in case the flamingo’s hat has magically appeared next to you?
Saturday, August 18, Z Camp