We started another new topic this week. It’s related to Trends and Technology Evolution. That might be the advent of the motor car, or how music changed over the course of the 20th century. We started by watching some videos to introduce the theme. One class looked at the most important inventions of the last 100 years, and had a debate to decide which were their favourite. Another class charted the evolution of the mobile phone. None of our campers remember a time when mobile phones were not the norm. The teachers do, though. Well, some of them at least.
On Monday camp started with sports first to get us all going. We had a massive game of rounders and it was enjoyed by everyone. Then we had English class, before and after lunch. We sang Happy Birthday to Georgi and then went to the beach for a fun afternoon splash.
English teachers and kids play Rounders
We are so pleased, because one of our students decided to come back after having left on Sunday. Once you experience Z Camp you’ll never want to leave either.
Happy Birthday, Georgi !
Kids performance on Rammstein
Monday, August 20, Z Camp